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Upcoming games:
(#321) "May the Fourth be with you"
team game,
11.05.2024 / 19:00:00
Zone: Quest
Author: monych
Participation: 50 eur
(#322) "Филворд О5"
team game,
25.05.2024 / 20:00:00
Zone: Points
Author: Genie
Participation: 50 eur
(#249) "Кот, который гулял сам по себе [Суточник]"
team game,
27.05.2024 / 19:00:00
Zone: Brainstorm
Authors: monych, Тупайя
Participation: 10 en usd
(#263) "Black Box [International game in Estonia]"
team game,
06.08.2024 / 08:00:00
Zone: Quest
Authors: monych, ljovcheg, mumburus
Participation: free
(#202) "Error 202"
single game,
29.07.2025 / 18:00:00
Zone: Points
Author: Alex3000
Prize fund: 0 (0%)

Team points

Game: Quiz
Game format: Team
Place: 1
Standard points for place: 100
The game complexity factor: 0.535
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
Итого: 53.5 points
Формула расчета очков:
Очки = H * КС * АКС
Details >>>
Points distribution

ID Rank Gender User Points
#169471 Major Male ecko: 4.18 points
#119572 Major Male Brieds 4.11 points
#141211 Captain Male GrumpyCat 4.11 points
#1388206 Captain Male Dablv 4.11 points
#1389140 Captain Female BituX 4.11 points
#1389183 Major Male Stankus 4.11 points
#1434393 Captain Female Goda 4.11 points
#1434703 Captain Male KenkejasLT 4.11 points
#1436837 Senior lieutenant Male bonannas 4.11 points
#1444011 Captain Female hawdyte 4.11 points
#1468103 Captain Male AndrelisZ 4.11 points
#1468152 Senior lieutenant Male nkwaerd 4.11 points
#1468159 Captain Female Indre. 4.11 points
5/2/2024 12:33:29 PM
(UTC +3)
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