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λ (#219, 16.09.2017)

6/8/2017 10:49:25 PM / 46 messages / the topic was opened by monych .

Game format: Team
Passing sequence: Linear
Game authors: Vorobjaninoff, monych
Start of the game: 9/16/2017 2:00:00 PM (UTC +3)
The beginning of the game in your time zone:  (UTC )
The game completion time: 9/17/2017 3:00:00 AM (UTC +3)
Confirmations are accepted until: 9/17/2017 3:00:00 AM (UTC +3)
Limit on the game: 13 teams
Participation:(subscriptions has been accepted) 
Game details >>>
Games Author
[ 9/6/2017 3:40:24 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Сорри, я вынужден слиться - командировка к буржуям. Стандартная осенняя тема... Всем удачи на игре! :)
[ 9/11/2017 2:47:44 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Important news:

1. There are 15 locations in total. Size is quite different, but get prepared for a long game.
2. There will be no coordinates solving, so it is possible to play without coordination centre and finish the game in designated time. Do not recruit over 9000 players, they will have nothing to do - all the logic and device codes are solvable from the field.
3. Some virtual bonus tasks will be available during long driving levels.
4. You will actually need a crowbar.
5. One location is divided into several levels. After spending half a day there we hope you will all manage to enjoy it. To make it less annoying, we have developed a special mini-game. Please register to "λ: Monsters" ( Rules and instructions will be available before the start of the game.
Games Author
[ 9/14/2017 4:23:27 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Команда не набралась, погода не очень, поэтому наше участие в этой игре приурочивается к выходу hl3...
[ 9/14/2017 5:08:54 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Если кому делать нечего, то может присоединиться к нашему штабику :)
[ 9/14/2017 11:35:58 PM (UTC +3) ]  

Don't be late!
Games Author
[ 9/15/2017 6:18:54 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Getting ready for the game :)

[ 9/15/2017 6:56:35 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Wow! You guys take it seriously! Well done!
[ 9/17/2017 3:23:14 AM (UTC +3), ]  
Чето отзывов после игры нету. Что там на финише такое, атака хедкрабов? =)
[ 9/17/2017 4:29:22 AM (UTC +3) ]  
Figase: Чето отзывов после игры нету. Что там на финише такое, атака хедкрабов? =)
Combine is your friend!
Junior lieutenant
[ 9/17/2017 12:23:41 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Все спят ещё, чо :) Отходняк. Офигенски поиграли, живенько, не нудно.
Орги, поделитесь, как вам удалось включить проливной дождь прямо к началу игры? 😜
За игру в игре отдельно хочется пожать руку - на 5+

На некоторые высоты даже постремалась залезать, жесть 😳
[ 9/17/2017 12:48:49 PM (UTC +3) ]  
I have added finish protocols and penalties. Alexey will add bonuses from the first level once he awakes, and then the game stats should be up to date.
My feeling is that the results will not change.

Monsters game will also be edited a bit later - we will rank teams by the total time spent on the level. In terms of efficiency, LAStik is the best with 3 points left by the end of the game!

Непалы - я не стал заморачиваться с вашим вопросом про две штрафных подсказки на компасе - 6 минут вас не передвинут. Если бонусы первого уровня что-то поменяют, подумаем, но вообще вряд ли.
[ 9/17/2017 1:05:50 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Thank you everyone for playing, and special thanks to LV and LT teams who came all the way through via Baltica to waste another Saturday (and take the top-3 as well)!

Couple of comments:
- Lambda codes - seems to be the most controversial part, as most teams considered them too tough. We will make conclusions for the sequel game and either reduce the radius or complexity.
- Lack of spray code tasks - most teams said they would prefer more spray code tasks. Fair enough, markers at the second half of the game might be too annoying.
- Tasks between levels - we deliberately did not want to do them in order to put accent on the field part. I was now thinking as the game closed, that it might be a good idea to separate code search level from the logic solving in case some team wants to skip the task.
- Penalty hints on codes - we underestimated the volume of those for some levels, but that's rather the question of complexity. On the other hand, there is no way to make the game same fun for novice teams and dinosaurs as the code search speed is very different. So might be good to allow teams to skip levels faster in order to keep dynamics.
- Overall volume of tasks - btw, we deleted one level with 24 marker codes :) Anyway, leaders finished in 10 hours as we promised, but still it might be that the game was too intense. What is the teams' feeling?
- Climbing - surprisingly we got a feedback on too much climbing (and that it was dangerous). We thought that we almost did not have any climbing codes, and that the ones we have are super-easy, so that's a big surprise - sorry if it was too much for some teams.

Ask if you want to get comments on codes!

Once again, thank you all for coming!
[ 9/17/2017 2:15:18 PM (UTC +3), ]  
Полю очень зашло! Есть подозрения, что штабу не помешали бы какие-то бонусы, при отсутствии заданий как таковых.
Мы обычно не любим сильно заныканные коды, но именно на этой игре как-то зашло. Безусловно ОЧЕНЬ хорошо, что были сливные подсказки. Без них обязательно бы убились об какой-то последний код и драйв был бы потерян, как на последней игре Левчега. Да и в целом, обязана быть разница, взял ты 9 кодов из 10 или 1 из 10.
С клаймбинг кодами все вроде неплохо, но очень бы хотелось узнать, где был код у одной из труб с метками наверх. Та, которая ближе к выходу. Изрядно замонавшийся игрок залез туда три раза с разных сторон, залез на соседнюю стенку, чтобы посмотреть сверху. Так и не увидели. На второй трубе взяли без проблем.
Идея с игрой шикарная, отлично побегали.
Девайсы - тоже интересно, как и блок, с которым мы почему-то тупили.
Из всего вышесказанного, самое лучшее, что мы для себя отметили - отсутствие пиксельхантинга и присутствие сливов с адекватными штрафами. Драйв был всю игру, а это главное, ибо ехать 300 км за тупняками - грустно.
Пишите еще!!!

P.S. Юникорны, ну не могли вы в конце чуть тупануть где-то? )
[ 9/17/2017 2:21:28 PM (UTC +3), ]  
Good day,
Thank you for the game, I did enjoy it a lot, as for the team I think they enjoyed it too.
Now my two cents:
1) Climbing was fun and should be moved to the first part of the game, when you are spry and full of energy, having to climb after XENfuturama type codes is just hard after 7 hours of physical strain on your body, just saying)
2) If you have a task where field logic is involved give it more time with the first hint being more revealing, you do want to figure it our on one hand, but when you do you receive the last hint which just laughs in your face with the solution ready at hand.
3) Monster level was great, keep up the innovative approach.
4) Interactive bonus with in the complete darkness with the camera was great, wish there would be more interactions like that throughout the game.
5) I say yes to Lambda codes, they were amazing, but next time, take a rule of thumb, to have yourselves a rope of 4 meters (2,3,5 doesn't matter), and use it like that - it should reach the code itself with the rope, not a radius bus like if you bend the rope around the corner, the rope itself should reach the code, or if it goes through the ceiling it should reach the code, in short that one end of the rope touches the code with the other end of the rope.

The game was great, I would like to point it out once more, keep up the good work.

P.S. lifted the safe without the use of a crowbar :P just saying
[ 9/17/2017 3:00:41 PM (UTC +3) ]  
С клаймбинг кодами все вроде неплохо, но очень бы хотелось узнать, где был код у одной из труб с метками наверх. Та, которая ближе к
Внутри трубы, проще всего было залезть с другой стороны стены.
[ 9/17/2017 3:10:21 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Dagader: but next time, take a rule of thumb, to have yourselves a rope of 4 meters (2,3,5 doesn't matter), and use it like that - it should reach the code itself with the rope, not a radius bus like if you bend the rope around the corner, the rope itself should reach the code, or if it goes through the ceiling it should reach the code, in short that one end of the rope touches the code with the other end of the rope.
That's exactly how it was this time. The distance was about 2-3 meters everywhere, so you didn't have to actually use the rope. Only 3 lambda-codes were written on a full length of 4 meters.
[ 9/17/2017 3:16:06 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Dagader: 4) Interactive bonus with in the complete darkness with the camera was great, wish there would be more interactions like that throughout the game.
It is hard to find agents willing to spend 4 hours in a moist and dirty cowshed, all such people are usually already registered for the game :)
Games Author
[ 9/17/2017 4:22:11 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Great game! Only thing: I would like more involvement in theme.
Games Author
[ 9/17/2017 6:18:09 PM (UTC +3) ]  
Liked the game a lot!

No loss of game dynamic during the regular levels thanks to the penalty codes and HUGELY dynamic monsters subgame. Thanks for that, it was amazing. Hope to see something similar again.
Lambda codes: i find them well balanced, considering distance/marker size/hiding. Some our team members would disagree, but those codes were not too hard.
IR camera level was fantastic. Despite collecting 0 codes, we had lot of fun :D
Our team also liked the periodic cooperation with our sleepy coordination center. Although most of the time it had nothing to do, during the monsters game and some levels it was cool to actually have an involved coordination center :)
Regarding "almost did not have any climbing codes, and that the ones we have are super-easy", i think this picture is worth a 1000 words :D
Shame to admit, but could not manage to climb down from here as well.. Had to climb through the pipe to the other side where it is lower.

Looking forward to playing other cool games!
Games Author
[ 9/17/2017 6:55:23 PM (UTC +3) ]  
First of all thanks for the game.

It was great to play in the field without overloading with logic tasks, althoug we had non-field players (and they made our game easier, especially in Monsters) the game was resolvable from car. I liked the Lambda codes, good to know that this pixel code is somewhere near you :) . System with penalties has allready proved its place - use it in the next games to. Special thanks for the Monster game, first rules semed tricky, but when your in it's straitforward, good that we had one man to coordinate heals and make damage with right weapons. Also climbing roap, and i think a ladder will be in standart equpment for your games next time :).

A little more about some levels.

2. I liked your system with codes, and this time artifacts that can be destroid/taken - hope to see more levels as thees. Even the rain didnt spoil it :)
4. On this level some codes with marker on wet metal were hardly readable, one code was almost destroid. And this goes to all levels - please try to improve handwriting, if i'm allready up in the air 3 meters hanging on a plank it's not very plesant to guess if thats 6, 5, S or G
6. Trainstation logic code was rather hard to get because device was unstable and chain fell off, and some teams occupied it for a loooooooooong time, had to get the hint here, sad couldnt get a try, the task itself was super.
10. Oh, the device with temperature, great when there are 4 teams in room 1,5x1,5m with one device :-D, our icecream got them all a bonus, hope good karma pays :) Wood like to see more tasks where you have to think of special item to get bonus, they make you think differently :)
13. Here is message for the teams in the lead - i understand you are in a hurry, but pleasy try to use devices gently, teams after you want to see all the game props too. It's not the first time when you come after 3-4 first teams and devices are broken and codes damaged.
21. The nail artefact - wow, great !
25. Although device was laggy, and we didnt get any codes the thought was good, i liked this level.
27,29. Classical formats, glad every time i see theese.

In conclusion - good game, good codes, original tasks - 10/10

P.S. Smoking is not a good idea in any abondand building, but doing it in tower full of people with one tiny entrance, made of dry wood and paper wallpapers - you have to be an idiot. This goes to one of our foreign guests.
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