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Upcoming games:
(#321) "May the Fourth be with you"
team game,
11.05.2024 / 19:00:00
Zone: Quest
Author: monych
Participation: 50 eur
(#322) "Филворд О5"
team game,
25.05.2024 / 20:00:00
Zone: Points
Author: Genie
Participation: 50 eur
(#249) "Кот, который гулял сам по себе [Суточник]"
team game,
27.05.2024 / 19:00:00
Zone: Brainstorm
Authors: monych, Тупайя
Participation: 10 en usd
(#263) "Black Box [International game in Estonia]"
team game,
06.08.2024 / 08:00:00
Zone: Quest
Authors: monych, ljovcheg, mumburus
Participation: free
(#202) "Error 202"
single game,
29.07.2025 / 18:00:00
Zone: Points
Author: Alex3000
Prize fund: 0 (0%)

Alien encounter

It seems impossible to contact aliens on demand. The thing is, they contact the ones they consider reputable and reliable. Their notions of reputation and reliability are quite solid. Therefore we're glad to offer you a list of what to do and what not in order to be contacted by aliens:

1. Play the urban games fair.

2. Don't block road traffic. And don't forget to yield to pedestrians at pedestrian crossings.

3. Don't use drugs and alcohol or smoke any bad stuff, and don't eat little animals' meat.

The list can be added to or changed after another negotiations with aliens

Evgeny Shaposhnikov (aka Air) is the one responsible for alien encounters.

5/2/2024 4:20:47 PM
(UTC +3)
EncounterTM Ltd.
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