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Upcoming games:
(#321) "May the Fourth be with you"
team game,
11.05.2024 / 19:00:00
Zone: Quest
Author: monych
Participation: 50 eur
(#322) "Филворд О5"
team game,
25.05.2024 / 20:00:00
Zone: Points
Author: Genie
Participation: 50 eur
(#249) "Кот, который гулял сам по себе [Суточник]"
team game,
27.05.2024 / 19:00:00
Zone: Brainstorm
Authors: monych, Тупайя
Participation: 10 en usd
(#263) "Black Box [International game in Estonia]"
team game,
06.08.2024 / 08:00:00
Zone: Quest
Authors: monych, ljovcheg, mumburus
Participation: free
(#202) "Error 202"
single game,
29.07.2025 / 18:00:00
Zone: Points
Author: Alex3000
Prize fund: 0 (0%)
About the project Encounter
You need to tell the team the Game rules, and instruct the team about being attentive at some levels, to represent the team at the meeting of the captains, to solve individual questions with the organizer and to take a certain responsibility for the team.

Encounter Network - to the organizers
5/3/2024 1:35:26 AM
(UTC +3)
EncounterTM Ltd.
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